Amidst the ongoing Coronavirus situation, Cygnus is happy to share more good news: we’ve grown our Marketing Team and from 1st May, Chih Ju Wei stepped up to become our Marketing Director.

Chih Ju has a Masters in Management with Marketing and further degrees in Business and Digital Marketing. She has been tirelessly applying herself to our brand, planning and activities since 2007. Always up to date on trends and behaviours across the industry, Chih Ju knits this together with her experience of our products, distributors and end-users. Marketing and Sales have always worked closely together in Cygnus and it is now time to integrate Marketing at board level and more fully into the company as a whole.

First of all, we expanded the Marketing team, by creating the new role: Digital Marketing Specialist. We are delighted that, after a year with Cygnus in a general Marketing position, Weronika Kurzior has taken this role. The new role plays to Weronika’s creative, social media, photography and digital interests and talents.
We recently welcomed Hanna McGuinness back (from maternity leave) to her Marketing Assistant role. Her role has been aligned with her exceptional skills in organization, coordination and reporting.
The team is agile and has settled into the new structure almost immediately, enabling Chih Ju to join the team of directors.
Cygnus is determined to come out of this lockdown period in good shape and ready to go. Chih Ju’s input at board level will play an important part in our preparations.